Monday 23 April 2012

Project 1 - Choosing Magazine Publication

I considered possible magazines that would potentially feature my app review, and looked at T3, Stuff and Wired magazine. All of them have a similar content and target audience, and therefore I could have chosen any of the three.

However, when I went to view the magazines in the shop, this month's Stuff magazine had a free Stuff Guide To Apps, which was filled with reviews, suiting perfectly for what I plan to do, and therefore I bought the magazine, and will use this publication to create my app review for. 

Gadgets, gear, technology - news and comparative reviews of the best consumer electronics and lifestyle products.
Men that buy Stuff, buy stuff. The market leading mens technology and lifestyle shopping magazine targets high earning, high spending, 25-45 year old men seeking to indulge themselves and enhance their lifestyles.
Circulation 2011 - ABC, 80,226

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