Tuesday 1 May 2012

Chosen Project 4

I have decided to add another project to the portfolio, as I felt my product development for a new service for Starbucks, was not only one of my favourite projects, but was also a successful one. This is a great project to demonstrate my ability to be able to see a gap in the market for a new venture and promote this using appropriate media forms. On reflection of the project, I felt that my weakness was the press pack that I created, and therefore have decided to completely remove this and not present it in the portfolio. However, other areas of the project were definitely stronger, and I plan to edit these by removing them from their original documents, and creating a whole new presentation layout idea that fully displays the concept and visuals for the Starbucks service.
Because there are no major direct changes to the project, the development of this will come later at the time when the portfolio is created.

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